vineri, 25 februarie 2011

Review about minuteworkers

If you have some time to lose, even a few minutes, you can try to register on the next site Minuteworkers. Registration will take only a few minutes and you will discover a place where you can earn some money quite easily. Once registered you will receive a bonus and then $ 1 for each person registered as your referral you will receive another $ 1 and another 15 cents after it made its first task.
What you have to do: first you will find here various tasks to be done starting from sign-ups, like on Facebook, comment on different web sites or blogs, and more. With the money you earn on your turn, create tasks for what you need. Once you reach $ 2 so you can withdraw, but you will lose an extra 10%, but yes if you withdraw the entire amount will go into your paypal account or alertpay. It only remains for you to create an account minuteworkers and discover a very interesting site.

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